Slovenská Národná Galéria

Slovak national gallery

On Tuesday, the 30/5/2023, the Gama class went on an excursion to the SNG. We all met at school and at 9:30am we caught a tram there. Once we arrived, we first played a game where we had to stand facing another person without talking, then we wrote down how we felt, and then we shared our thoughts if we wanted to. Then we looked around the room at the artworks.


After that we went to the second room, where we made optical illusions. One of the optical illusions that were made looked like someone was holding the Bratislava UFO.


Then we went to see the air conditioning which was actually big rainbow balls that had air blowing into them which made an air conditioning effect. Overall, it was a fun trip.


Author: Minka, Gama

Eva Palmans