Programme for children 6-12

Discovering the world

Period of interest in the world around us:

In this period, we draw from Montessori calls “science-cosmic education”, which is a summary of the basic knowledge of the world around us (nature, space, history, geography, basic human needs, and conditions for life). Children observe, compare, sort, and thereby create their own conclusions. Thus, they learn to evaluate questions and answers, they learn to think critically. Children work with Montessori material, encyclopaedias, and create their own projects.

The programme is divided into monthly topics that start with presentations. Then children make their own notes and complete them with their own output (project, own book, story, 3D model)

Character education:

Age group 6-12 is a period of building relationships. Children learn to function in society, cooperate on projects, and their place in their group. It is manifested by a strong desire for justice, the need to participate in the creation of rules and an effort to comply with mutual agreements and manage the consequences in case of violation - they learn freedom within borders.

Fridays’ expeditions:

Discovering the world outside the classroom deepens children's interest in the world around them. Knowledge comes to life through observing nature, researching topics covered at exhibitions in a museum, and working with one's own hands in a workshop.

It is a different educational experience when children can "grasp" knowledge - with the help of manual work, the child recognizes, remembers, and gains a deeper understanding.